Fiona’s Corona Diaries (31st March)

Before I start I would like to point out that my use of my ‘telling off’ name  above doesn’t not give anybody (apart from my mother of course) liberty to call me anything other than Fi. It is unfortunate (unless I am writing limericks) to have a name that rhymes with a deadly killer virus but that’s life, and at least my name isn’t Dovid.

UK lockdown week one

As a freelance writer I am more than used to working from home. What I am not quite so comfortable with however is working here at the same time as other people. We are relatively lucky with plenty of space and only myself, my husband and our grown up son to fill it. Nonetheless it continues to be a interesting experience. One which I have been dealing with in a number of ways.

  • I climbed the height of Cadair Idris on my top staircase
  • I discovered that ‘hiding’ in a greenhouse is a lost cause
  • I sowed a whole vegan’s worth of vegetable seeds
  • I nurtured Borage Johnson (currently self isolating in his own pot)
  • I laughed at my husband’s first work from home antics
  • I stopped laughing because he had work and I didn’t
  • I argued with my son
  • I apologised to my son
  • I argued with my son
  • I apologised to my son

Not much more to report than that. Another word that rhymes with ‘Fiona’ is ‘moaner’. I have tried very hard not to be one of those but it has been a close run thing. Stay safe everyone.


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