Fiona’s Corona Diaries (22nd April)

On the topic of lockdown health

A recent survey by the Institute of Employment Studies suggested that during the initial fortnight of lockdown a third of people in the UK were eating more and exercising less than they usually do. This does not appear to have been the case in our house. Despite regular biscuit bakes and outdoor sausage sizzles, we have been suffering from mysterious (but welcome) weight loss.

Corona diary updates

  • For the first time in years I have set myself a weight loss goal
  • I am middle aged and 173cm tall
  • I struggle to read the bathroom scales without my glasses
  • I have started to enjoy walking uphill
  • I sometimes wear a headband to hide my grey roots
  • I actually quite like my silver streaks
  • I imagine sales of headbands are increasing
  • Homes with gardens must surely be gaining value
  • I have both of those but don’t want to sell either

Word of the day – haiku

Haiku (especially Covid haiku) are interesting. Not because they are Japanese or because they have set syllable counts. No, haikus are interesting because once you start writing them you can’t stop!

Boris Johnson's ill

Is he improving at home?

Or was he furloughed?
Two metres too near-

The rest of the world too far-

Shall we do some zooming?
Together At Home.

A disconcerting concert.

Did you see her lounge?
Social distancing.

It's not that I'm infectious-

I just don't like you

See you soon!

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