Ten really easy 2022 resolutions to help us all look after our outdoor spaces


After a year that saw both COP26 and the continuation of the Covid pandemic, I wonder how many of our 2022 New Year’s resolutions reflect the permaculture principles listed above.

We live in complicated times.

But the basics are still simple. For example spending time outside, and looking after the outdoor locations we love to visit.

We can all do our bit.

And have faith. Each small difference we choose will eventually add up to a happier, healthier planet and community.

Simple resolutions.

When it comes to getting outside, there’s plenty of noise and argument out there.

Go here! Don’t go here!

Camp here! Don’t camp there!

Do this! Don’t do that!

But a few simple actions are far more effective than page after page of social media disagreement.

Here are a few ideas of resolutions we might all like to adopt. But there’s no pressure or judgement here. We all do our best in different ways.

Don’t worry, they’re all really easy!

  1. We could pack a bin bag and pair of gloves in our rucksacks for impromptu litter picks
  2. We could avoid getting caught short outdoors by checking loo locations and opening times (the loo’s not our’s) before we visit
  3. We could carry loo roll for emergencies but also a bag in which to pack it out
  4. We could focus on packaging-free outdoor snacks or remove packaging before we set off
  5. We could research local produce and businesses before we travel
  6. We could keep an eye out for farm shops and honesty boxes
  7. We could travel extra-carefully down country lanes
  8. We could park considerately or be prepared to change plans if this isn’t possible
  9. We could lend our support by visiting local visitor centres and museums
  10. We could avoid geo-tagging sensitive or over popular locations

But I never stick to new year’s resolutions.

Me neither. Which is a really good reason to keep things practical and, most of all, simple.

We’re all learning. And doing our best.

Which is all any of us can hope for if we’re going to get through to December 2022 feeling good about ourselves.

Wishing you all blessings for a happy new year!

Should we be applying permaculture principles to our outdoor writing?

Five ways social media is lying to us about the outdoors



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