How to Get Paid for Writing Quality Blog Posts

If there is one thing we here at Fi Darby Freelance are good at, it is writing blog posts. The life of a blogger is a happy one, you get to research and put down in words all kinds of interesting facts and figures, you also, if you write your own personal blog, get to go out and do interesting things that you can write about. Making money from blog writing takes experience and practice but it can be done. Today we have 6 top blog writing tips that will help you to write blog posts that clients will pay for.

1. Write original blog posts

You won’t have to look around the internet for long to realise that plagiarism (or near plagiarism) is rife. The first thing most clients will do when they receive a completed blog post from you is run it through a plagiarism checker like Copyscape. If they find that your work is copied they won’t be asking you to write for them again (search engines like Google have an intense dislike for repeated text). Even if you don’t copy other people’s work exactly, a blog post that is a near copy, with slightly altered sentence structure and the crafty use of synonyms rarely reads well.

2. Do your own keyword research

It is likely that your client will give you a title for the blog post they want you to write. They may also give you keywords, but before you start it is worth doing your own keyword research around a topic. There are numerous websites out there to help you with this, we are currently enjoying KWFinder and Wordstream.

3. Understand the basic SEO requirements for blogs

You don’t need to be an SEO expert to make sure that your blog post writing meets minimum SEO requirements. Stick to a few simple rules such as including keywords in the title, the first paragraph and in image titles, and you will write a blog that begins to do what your client has paid for, i.e. rank high in the search engine lists.

4. Understand the call to action (CTA) and include it in your blog post

Once your blog post has achieved the goal of bringing visitors to your client’s site, it also needs to do the job of selling, inviting, informing or whatever else your client has specified. A CTA does this and is usually written at the end of a blog post. Read a couple of blog posts (including this one) to see what we mean.

5. Check your research before writing your blog post

We all understand that there is contradictory information out there on the web, what we don’t want to do is include incorrect or misleading information in our blog posts. This will make your work seem unprofessional and could cause problems for your client. The best way to avoid this is to get to the root of a piece or research, quote or suggestion and include a link that will demonstrate your meticulous approach.

6. Put a distinctive tone into your blog writing

If you are writing a blog post for yourself you should write from the perspective of your own personality. However, if you are being paid to write a blog post for someone else, it is worth reading material that they have already included on their website to find out which tone they prefer. It can also help to understand the target audience for your blog post.

We at Fi Darby Freelance love writing blog posts and have a long list of satisfied clients. If you would like to talk to Fi about a regular blog for your website do feel free to get in touch on 07794407581 or for a no obligation chat and quote.

Whilst writing this blog post we have been putting some of our own tips into practice. Read it again and see if you can spot:

  1. A title that includes the keywords ‘blog posts’ and ‘paid’.
  2. A call to action (what we would like you to do next).
  3. A unique and carefully crafted blog post.
  4. Sub titles that include keywords.
  5. A first paragraph that includes keywords.

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