Happy New Year!
A low key influencer
Despite offering me opportunities to travel and try out exciting new outdoor gear, the title ‘influencer‘ has never been one of which I’ve been proud. Like so many other things in my life, it came upon me unexpectedly.
An unexpected bonus
Before influencing even had a title, I was co-writing a successful walking blog and being asked to review outdoor gear online. This soon progressed to travel opportunities and then to some small success with affiliate marketing. It was all a surprise but all very welcome.
Feckless and greedy
Then the term ‘influencer’ started to gather negative connotations. Derived in the media, it became synonymous in popular parlance with such unhappy words as ‘feckless’ and ‘greedy’. I am of course neither of those but it is easy to see why such associations exist.
Influencer responsibilities
Of course life as an influencer isn’t just about bartering writing skills for goods or experiences. It also brings with it responsibilities. As time has gone on I have become more fussy about the brands I work with and the messages I deliver. I decline influencer opportunities more often than I agree to them.
Four key questions
I’m no saint but I do care about the effect my writing has on the people I’m reaching, and the outdoor environments we are all enjoying. So as 2021 is now upon us, I thought it was time to ask myself a few influencer questions that might help me consider my approach to this strange (but ultimately rewarding) business for the next 12-months.
- Does my writing encourage people who are new to the outdoors?
- Does my writing help protect outdoor environments?
- Am I recommending products and services that offer value?
- Am I working with organisations with high sustainability morals?
So there we have it. I’m planning to use these questions to help me form both my influencer choices and my writing for 2021. I’m not sure how its going to go but please do feel free to watch this space!