Group train ticket booking can save you money

Next time you set off on an adventure or day out with a group of friends or family, why not think about travelling by train? Your group public transport travel will produce far less CO2 emissions than each of you travelling individually by car, and the train is the perfect place to start enjoying your get together even before you reach your destination.

For many people however, the cost of train travel is an issue, especially if you live a long way from where you want to go. One way to keep those costs down is to travel in a group. We’ve gathered together some information on group train ticket booking.

Travelling with a group of 3 to 9 people

If your group is between 3 and 9 adults, you need to have a look at GroupSave (or in Wales Small Group Day tickets). You can only use a GroupSave ticket if you and your group are travelling together for both your outward and return journeys but you will all save 34% on your ticket price (25% with a Wales Small Group Day ticket).

Your GroupSave discount will be applied automatically in some train ticket apps but not all.  You can also buy your group tickets from the train operator’s website or at the station.

Here are a few more useful group train tickets tips.

  • Children can travel on an adult GroupSave ticket
  • You must all get on and off at the same stations
  • You can’t use GroupSave to purchase a first class ticket
  • Not all journeys are available as GroupSave
  • A Transport for Wales Small Group Day ticket is also valid for some journeys to some stations into and out of Wales. For example to Birmingham International, Ludlow and Shrewsbury.

How do I buy a group save ticket?

You might not be able to buy a GroupSave  or Small Group Day ticket through your usual ticket app but it’s worth a try.

Most apps allow you to put in the number of people (up to nine) then add the discount automatically, others give you the opportunity to select GroupSave under Railcards.

If you’re using a ticketing app for group tickets, we would recommend finding the price for a one-person trip first, then you can check what kind of bargain you’re getting.

Some ticketing apps also allow for ticket splitting, which works out whether or not your journey would be cheaper if you pay per journey section. If you’re looking to save money, it’s worth considering that as an additional option.

Find an explanation of ticket splitting on my Adventures by Train page.

If you can’t buy a ticket through an app, you can visit your local station and either use the ticket machine or discuss your needs at the ticket office. If you want to know when your local station is open, National Rail’s Find a Station page will help.

What if I’m travelling in a large group?

If you’re travelling with more than nine people, you may be able to get a good discount on your train tickets. The best way to find out is to contact (by phone or email) the relevant train company. National Rail has a list of all the UK train companies.

The contact information for some companies is more useful than it is for others. My suggestion is to opt for a destination to which you can travel with a friendly, helpful train company but obviously that isn’t always possible (I can recommend GWR).

Start adventuring by train

If you’ve never tried travelling by train in a group you should do. It’s great fun. With such a marvellous network of railway stations and opportunities in the UK, there’s plenty on offer for group entertainment. Why not check out our station to station walks, find out how to plan your own train adventures and discover the best UK stations for outdoor adventurers.

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How can you get a discount at some of our top UK attractions? Travel there by train of course!

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